
Selamat Hari Raya

On the way to work, had a conversation with the taxi driver. 

Me: hey, tak balik kampung?
Taxi driver: Tak balik kampung nie. Tahun ni buat kat rumah di Puchong.
Me: Oh, Puchong dekat je. Kampung kat mane? knapa tak balik Kampung? 
Taxi driver: Sebab semua adik-beradik pun tinggal kat KL, lebih senang. Klau balik, kena jam lagi. Tambahan pula rumah tua sudah tiada dan tiada orang tinggal sudah. 
Paling penting sekali, orang tua sudah tiada. Oleh itu, tahun ini tak balik.
Me: Yea la. Walaupun sama-sama tinggal kat KL, pun jarang berkumpul ataupun berjumpa terutamanya apabila orang tua sudah tiada. Raya ialah hari yang special dan peluang untuk bersama ahli keluarga, kawan kawan dan jiran.
Taxi driver: yea la tu. Saya taxi driver, tak payah mengambil leave. Bila-bila boleh balik rumah utk meraih.
Me: Bgus tu. Saya kena kerja lgi.. Semua kawan sedang cuti.
Taxi driver: ok jugak. Raya banyak customer, orang banyak shopping.

One of the big reason why people "balik Kampung" is because they wanted to visit the old one. Your father and mother or your grandfather and grandmother. Usually with their existence, going hometown is a must, because you don't always go back for no reason. You will take this opportunity to go back to the place because they are still around. But once they are no longer exist, balik kampung just seems lacking of something. Is something we call" home". Some may no longer taking this chance or opportunity to go back for this special occasion with your family. I am not trying to emphasize on whether you are going back or not. What I am trying to say is that the balik kampung feeling will be different when they are not around. No matter how, whether the old one still alive or not. Take this opportunity to go home for them. I know, its not possible for some people, due to they have to work for a living and there may be some other reasons where you can't go back for it, but at least a call or even a message of wishing can make them happy. Treasure your family and friends when you are still alive, because you may never know when are you leaving this world.

Therefore, whether you are balik kampung or not, or you still need to work on this holiday, enjoy your day and have a great day! Wishing everyone Selamat Hari Raya, especially for the Malays!:)

