
couldnt sleep

now is 5 oclock..
and im still online checking facebook,wondering tommorow whether i still got the mood to work..
The working scene keep on flashing in my brain..
Maybe is too busy..
But i still can cope up with it..
Need to challenge...


sakae sushi..

Today start work!!!huray..Everyone ask why now only working, since school is going to start after two weeks...I also didnt think too much about it..Last weeks Kei recommended Sakae sushi to me..and just because of nothing to do and can use this time to earn some money to buy something..haha..I need to go prepare..dont know what to write.. Wish me good luck..XP..



currently i just started working at "IT HYPERSTORE"yesterday..

my manager told me, about my salary..My basic salary is RM800+200allowance+dont know how much commision..

Felt unfair..Because last year i work for RM1200 without any allownce and commision..means i sure get 1200 ringgit liao..Now..drop 200 ringgit..!!

Couldnt be right??for you..will you continue work??or quit??..
Im very confuse now..

My mum said..maybe you just work for one months la..but,if i work for one months..i dont fell good..why should i continue instead of just quit..and find another job??

Anotherthing is..my tuition for form 5 syllabus..started today..



首先要谢谢syakireen!!thanks ya syakireen your cake is delicious..hope i got another chance to eat it !!haha..他亲自做了个蛋糕(巧克力蛋糕)给我..和一盒巧克力!!


去到学校,放下书包就到礼堂(老师有事项报告)。我,carol,就无端端的被Pn Rajeshwari 给叫出去!“Tong seng,carolynn mari sini..sekarang kita tidak cukup orang untuk join aktiviti ini,kamu berdua masuk..tulis nama”你没有选者的余地!。。我就托文康他们下水,我跟carolynn 说“call wen kang they all come along la”那知道他真的当真!carolynn 直接把文康给拉了我们这儿。。还跟Pn Rajeshwari 说叫4B班的也给过来。。我们也真得很会拖人下水!!如果我们跌进水里记得把我们给拉起来哦。。

刚好今天学校将进行一项政府所规定的活动“keselamatan jalan raya”,这项活动还有邀请其他学校的学生参与例如Damansara Jaya,Taman Sea等等的学校!大概有两百位学生挤在这么小的“小”礼堂,感觉有点缺氧很想打瞌睡!!XP..

在里边我们听了45分钟的“课”,从头到尾都是在讲关于“马路”..你想想,如果你的话你会不会想睡?? 45分过得也真慢。。XO..等到上完课后,我们就在班上说绯闻!!有啪拖的人,你们可能是我们说讲的对象哦。。哈哈!


我就吃饭,吃蛋糕, 睡觉。。。。。。。


this is the conversation with MrS halen..hehe

thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
hi teacher...
halenc says:
halenc says:
ur birthday ah?
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
ya la..
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
mean yesterday..
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
halenc says:
oh..happpy belated birthdaaaayyyyyyyy
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
yesterday go find u,u also not in
halenc says:
oh.....u came over to my house??
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
we one whole gang go ur house
halenc says:
how did u guys find tat out???!!!
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
ur car..
halenc says:
OMG...u guys r scary
halenc says:
shit...now must change car
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
ur chemistry paper
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
then we saw a guy,we ask him whether gt one girl name call halen geh..
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
he say gt..bt u were nt in
halenc says:
walauuuuuu...........u guys very brave ah
halenc says:
damn,....no wonder my brother said got a group of human asking for me
halenc says:
how do u know which house?
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
oh..one of my friends saw u walked into the house last time
halenc says:
halenc says:
u guys r stalkers
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
and we discovered your car which parked infront the corner
halenc says:
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
we look inside the car, my friends saw the chemistry paper!!he say, this is the house jorr..
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
halenc says:
sei lor....
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
aiya, i should go fing you again one..coz u zang ngo birthday present ma..XP
halenc says:
wah.....like tat also can
halenc says:
wei...my bday also coming
halenc says:
so u zang ngo now
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
halenc says:
no need to know...later u know how old am i
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
thx ya!!!!vry hapi ...bt now vry sien la..u guy's go back so early!! says:
aiya, nvm one..teacher still so young..

teacher so cute...LOL



我们吃了丰盛的美食,我们这些年轻的吃饱没事做就去玩牌!玩“chor dai dee",uno 牌, “乌龟”等等!过后就坐在客厅谈天,看siow的外甥。。(几cute一下)

after that,回到家就收到很多人的祝福(谢谢你们)!!




属裕说“岁月不留人”我很赞同这句。回想中三时的我是多么的单纯,“可爱”??。。可是岁月真的是不留人,转眼间一年就快过去了。。还记得去年我是怎样过生日的,谢谢“cool gang"你们给的礼物!那年应该是我人生中第一次受到朋友的礼物吧!明天就是我的十六岁生日了,是不是很快呢??Stephy 前几天有问过我生日要去那里庆祝,她问我要不要去“wong kok"庆祝。我想是有想过要去那里庆祝,可是星期四刚去1u看戏花光了钱,钱包空得就快流血!那天我们看了两套戏“poker king”和“doraemon”。我想cool gang 也不想去了。我跟我妈说我可能会去1u"wong kok" 试试那边的生日配套。如果任何人生日,他们会附送一个大杯的奶茶之类的东西。之前没试过,看到身边的朋友都试过了,多少也会觉得羡慕的。我妈问我要怎样庆祝生日?他说如果我不要买蛋糕,她就给我50令吉去1u“wong kok"。。如果给你们,你们回选哪边?家人,或是1u??我还是乖乖在家陪伴家人,和家人庆祝一番。。应为与家人开开心心才是最快乐的事。。

说到生日,今晚jason 的妹妹举办生日会。jason 邀请我和小妹参加他的生日Party!let's party!!..




明天我靠physic 和 pjk。。我不明白为什么学校还要我们考pjk和sivik。简直就是在浪费我们的时间。。好了,要去做“书呆子”罗。。^^..



Tommoroww die die~~!!

Today's BM and BI test was really terrible man!!Anywhere, I need to memorize moral nilai!! gosh!!
These 36nilai..
1)Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan
-Keyakinan wujudnya Tuhan sebagai pencipta alam dan mematuhi segala suruhanNya berlandaskan agama masing-masing selaras dengan Prinsip Rukun Negara.
-Sikap bertanggungjawab yang boleh menimbulkan kepercayaan dan keyakinan orang lain.
3)Harga diri
-Keupayaan dan keyakinan diri agar mampu memulia dan menjaga maruah diri dalam kehidupan.
-Kessanggupan diri seseorang untuk memikul dan melaksanakan tugas serta kewajipan dengan sempurna.
5)Hemah tinggi
-Beradab sopan dan berbudi pekerti mulia dalam pergaulan seharian.
-Kesanggupan bertolak ansur,sabar dan mengawal diri bagi mengelakkan berlakunya pertelingkahan dan perselisihan faham demi kesejahteraan hidup.
-Kebolehan dan kesanggupan untuk melakukan sesuatu tanpa bergantung kepada orang lain.
-Usaha yang berterusan penuh dengan semangat ketekunan, kecekalan, kegigihan, , dedikasi dan berdaya maju dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara.
9)Kasih sayang
-Kepekaan dan perasaan cinta yang mendalam serta berkekalan yang lahir pada hati yang ikhlas.
-Tindakan dan keputusan yang saksama serta tidak berat sebelah.
-Boleh berfikir berdasarkan alasan dan bukti yang nyata dan dapat mengambil tindakan berasaskan pertimbangan yang wajar.
-Bersikap tidak keterlaluan dalam membuat pertimbangan dan tindakan sama ada dalam pemikiran,pertuturan atau perlakuan tanpa mengabaikan kepentingan diri dan orang lain.
13)Kasih sayang terhadap keluarga
-Perasaan cinta, kasih dan sayang yang mendalam dan berkekalan terhadap keluarga.
14)Hormat dan taat kepada anggota keluarga
-Memuliakan setiap anggota keluarga dengan berinteraksi dan memberi layanan secara bersopan untuk mewujudkan keluarga yang harmoni.
15)Mengekalkan tradisi kekeluargaan
-Menerima, menghormati dan mengamalkan sesuatu kebiasaan, adat dan kepercayaan yang diwarisi secara turun temurun dalam keluarga.
16)Tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga
-Kewajipan yang harus dilaksanakan oleh setiap individu terhadap keluarga untuk melahirkan keluarga bahagia, meningkatkan imej dan menjaga maruah keluarga.
17)Menyayangi dan menghargai alam sekitar
-Kesedaran tentang perlunya memelihara dan memulihara alam sekeliling untuk mengekalkan keseimbangan ekosistem.
18)Keharmonian antara manusia dengan alam sekitar
Keadaan saling memerlukan hubungan yang harmonis antara manusia dengan alam sekeliling supaya kualiti kehidupan manusia dan alam sekeliling terpelihara.
19)Kemapanan alam sekitar
-Pengekalan keseimbangan alam sekeliling sebagai tanggungjawab bersama untuk kesejahteraan hidup.
20)Peka Terhadap isu-isu alam sekitar
-Prihatin terhadap persoalan yang berkaitan dengan alam sekeliling dan berusaha menyelesaikannya.
21)Cinta akan Negara
-perasaan sayng dan bangga kepada negara serta meletakkan kepentingan negara melebihi kepentingan diri.
22)Taat setia kepada raja dan negara
-Kepatuhan dan kesetiaan yang berkekalan kepada raja dan negara.
23)Sanggup berkorban untuk negara
-Kerelaan melakukan atau menyerahkan sesuatu termasuk nyawa sebagai tanda kebaktian untuk negara.
24)Melindungi hak kanak-kanak
-Membela, memberi naungan dan memelihara hak kanak-kanak bagi menjamin kehidupan mereka yang sempurna.
25)Menghormati hak wanita
-Melindungi dan mengiktiraf wanita sebagai individu yang boleh memberi sunbangan dalam pembangunan keluarga, masyarakat dan negara.
26)Melindungi hak pekerja
-Menghormati,menghargai dan mengiktiraf perkhidmatan , jasa dan sumbangan golongan pekerja dalam pembangunan negara.
27)Menghormati hak golongan kurang berupaya
-Memberi layanan yang bersopan kepada golongan kurang berupaya supaya tidak berasa tersisih dan mengiktiraf mereka sebagai insan ciptaan tuhan.
28)Melindungi hak pengguna
Membela dan memelihara hak individu untuk menjadi pengguna yang berilmu, mendapat perkhidmatan serta barangan yang berkualiti dan tidak mudah dieksploitasi.
29)Mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang
Menerima dan mematuhi peraturan dan undang-undang yang telah ditentukan tanpa mengira sesiapa dan dimana seseorang itu berada.
30)Kebebasan bersuara
-kebebasan berucap dan mengeluarkan fikiran dengan batasan tertentu bagi menjaga keselamatan dan ketenteraman
31)Kebebasan beragama
-Kebebasan setiap individu untuk menganut dan mengamalkan agamanya seperti yang diperuntukkan dalam perlembagaan Malaysia.
32)Penglibatab diri dalam pembangunan negara
-Kebebasan untuk melibatkan diri dalam pelbagai aktiviti pembangunan negara dengan mematuhi peraturan undang-undang dan perlembagaan Malaysia.
33)Sikap keterbukaan
-Bersedia memberi dan menerima pandangan, pembaharuan dan kritikan selaras dengan fakta kebenaran dan norma masyarakat.
34)Hidup bersama secara aman
-Hidup berbaik-baik antara satu sama lain dengan mengutamakan kedamaian dan keharmonian hidup tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan budaya.
35)Saling membantu dan bekerjasama
-Usaha yang baik dan membina yang dilakukan bersama pada peringkat individu,komuniti dan negara untuk mencapai sesuatu matlamat.
36)Saling menghormati antara negara
Menghargai, memuliakan hubungan antara negara untuk menjamin kesejahteraan sejagat.


Today's schedule~

Today slept untill 11++,then have to go tuition at Kasturi like every week before.First had Add maths, Mr Tan gave us a set of Add maths question which was really difficult and hard for us..eventhough Jia Jun and Zoe also "gali kepala"!What Mr Tan told us was, the question not sold in market, it is "kinda difficult"..I was like" okay",dont knew should give him what expression..Next is Physic class, today we learn how to write equation for mirror reflection.Unfortunately, Zoe's " ngao jiong" cannot finish our physic for this year syllabus. He still left one sub-topic which he couldn't finish..haih..After the physic class end, he wishes us Happy Chinese New Year,Merry christmas,and Hari Raya...I though Raya was over??aiya, he is like that one, some times he will pretend sot sot..XP..Then we had our 30minute break. Zoe , Jia Jun and me bought fruit like those day.At that moment , When I was grapping my wallet and trying to pay money, then I realized that inside got no more money.Because yesterday I had taken out all money."aiya I have no money",Zoe and Jia Jun laught.I checked wallet carefully,luckily I still got syling!!"YES, can buy fruit,and no need to borrow from Zoe already!!"Three of us bought the same fruit, then Mrs Halen said "why u guy's always buy the same fruit one??"Three of us laugh-out-loud!!..Since today is the last day for tuition,we decided to buy fried food ..I still left 0.50 after buying fruit..I was attracted by the fried food..then I borrow Jia Jun's 1 ringgit..I brought dolnut and fried food..We got back to kasturi,continued our Chemistry and Biology class..The funniest thing I get from Mrs Halen was she was trying to giving us an advise"I hope you all can grow up within 1 month"! Because our class is really noisy, I dont think her wish will come true.! LOL..After tuition, walk with Jia Jun..then i straight away went to Jason's house..I slept at his house for 1 hours 30++..cause lazy to walk back,and I really felt tired!..While we go Yuk Chai to play ping pong,but that time no people was there,so we play at the karaoke room with uncle and antie! We had a great moment playing there..XP..We go yuk chai find Chuns and yong an..I play for more than 3 hours++Basically this is my today schedule!!~lol..Have to go bed liao!!Good night~~See ya!!!!



很久没上来写部落格了。是不是很想念我呢??不用着急,我会update的。。今天回到自己的“人窝”就过去永安的家。看见“BREAD STORY" 的蛋糕,才想起原来今天是我相识多年表姐的生日,快祝他生日快日!XP我们唱生日歌..祝你生日快日~祝你生日快日,祝你生日快日。。。selamat hari jadi~~LOL。。她就好啦!刚巧我的表姐和阿姨从新加玻来,每人给他一份红包。我看我还是没有这个福气,放假要做part time工,没有人会帮我庆祝的了。。所以要一直提醒SYAKIREEN做一个大大的蛋糕给我,SYAKIREEN mana kek saye??haha..我的生日是11 八号!!记得,哈哈!帮表姐庆祝生日之后,回到家,睡懒觉!。。睡到晚上,阿姨请我们去"CHACHA BAN MEE"!之后,因为吃得太饱的关系,所以打算跟永安去打兵乓,消化消化!I asked Jason to come along. While we playing ping pong,I got abit beh song ..Just emo la..Then we go YUMCHA!!my mum belanja..LOL..And i would like to say that, im not angry anymore..dont worry..Go sleep!!!!


Nice day..

This morning, Im wondering either going to school or not. Since my dad had knocked my door for a few times, called me wakeup for school, so just go to school la! I quickly had my breakfast-cofee+biscuit, then do my gonkyo and daimoku as usual with my prent. We should do our praying constantly..Reached school, I was shocked because I've though Hammirullah and his gang all already pakat not to coming to school, so I could concentrating on studies. And I've knew Jason and Zoe was not coming to school, they had told me these yesterday.The first period bell rang, but our add maths teacher havent come in yet. So Kai Chun and I prompted to check for it. We get that Pn Hammidah was attending some kind of meeting outside,so she are not coming in for our class. Haih, it's kinda dissapointed. The purposed I come to schools is to have revision, caused some question still stuck in my head,I could'nt understand the formula. I took my addmaths work book, started doing some question.Luckily, Carol and Kai Chun was around me,Carol at infront of me,while Kai Chun sat besides me.I get to asked them those question that I could'nt get the solutions.I could barely understand and answering the question,what I needed alot of exercieses(this is what carol told me)!Next is Pn Zurani's class.The recess bell rang, Yean yee asked me to get helps at koperasi because koperasi get new stock. While, Cheng Shye keep on asking me question..not about me..haih..So I get back to class for moral class. I can fell the fear from my classmates,their eyes was so dark,but not beauty..LOL..XP..Te4acher scolded us, because alot of us has not done our Moral projek yet, so she demanded us to do at school and we needed to passup by this coming monday for several pages. We had to endure for two period. Finally the last period was Mrs Foo's class. Im wondering why these few weeks Mrs Foo would chuckle happyly when she walked in our class,perhaps she was amused by any guy??We would'nt know.!
After school, I've to stay for chinese class. what the first thing teacher do when she steped in our class is ,she said she missed "rock melon"!! And she's searching for jason, to buy rock melon for her!What a coincidence! Teacher also liked to eat "wine chicken"LOL.So I did some advertisement for jason..And he will pay me after this!XP..Jason,maybe you can invite teacher to go back hometown with you next time..haha!
After schools, I straight away go back home, eat,bath,sleep!!!~Sleep for 2or 3 hours,then I m here to write blog..
(Alot people had complaints about my grammar mistakes,LOL..anywhere thanks for the comment I would try to improve more)!!~



I woke up quite late today, eaten my breakfast, quickly had my gongkyo then go to school.Reached school, putting my stuff, started hangging around class. Pn Zurani came in time, gave some komsas exercises, need to passup today.So all of us hurry finished it and passup. Next ,our sivik and physics teacher's absence today. We have extra period to gossiping, hangging , slacking so on..Suddenly, Yi Qing which sat besides me caught my attention,"hey, look at Christine" said Yi Qing that's laughing."Omg, Christine what's happened to you, you're crying!"I asked suprisingly." I was touch by the scene, Edward send letter to Bella and he needs to go" Christine tells with her tears from her eyes. Christine take my 'Twilight' book without my permission, just only I've realized my book has gone and I found out it was on her table then I finally understand."she wants to borrow", nevermind la,I've used to it..I just hoped she would finish the book. After physics period, she finally finished my twilight I happy because I can read the book later on. I teman Kai Chun to the dewan terbuka see what is happening. because our schools canteen has been closed due to the order from"kementerian kesihatan" ,Im not so sure about it. We saw some stall there, selling nasi lemak, mihun and some drinks.At that moment,there's a hot topics about a men/women.what does it mean? It means we saw physically girls looking,but it was a man voices. "It is complicated".After that, i went to koperasi ,finally the bell has rang, so me and Jason get back to class. Next we going to do presentation for Biology. My partner-Kai Chun was nervous, " Dont nervous, just be normal and we was a team!"I did my encouragement proudly.The funniest thing is, after awhile it was my turn to be nervous..Dont know why I would have this kind of feelings.Oh god,my english was terrible!But , I've tried my best la..it is a good thing for me..!(try to make myself confidence)Mana tau after my presentation, twilight book already in Yi Qing's hand and I glanced at her..she laugh at me said that she wants to read.."See, I influenced a lot of people gets to read twilight"said confidently to jason.Got abit proud..hehe.."Who introduce you to read the books??that was me right??" said to me..that time i was like swt!!Za dou..haha
Time goes very fast,class ends. We a few gang stay back for meeting.We get to plays ping pong,lepak here lepak there waiting for the time past..I called my dad to fetch me back, it was raining.Reached home , had shower then lie on the sofa and sleep! After that,I quickly ate my dinner, I called jason asking about the meeting stuff,but he said the meeting has cancled, dissapointing, though can listen to Seko's experiences. I on my computer.Signed in msn,
go zoe,jason,carolynn's blog..but they have not update theirs.I signed in my blogspot, going to update. I've sitting here for 2 hour's ,thinking of how to write and what to write..LOL(because english's poor,forgive me for my grammar mistake..haha)


Syok sendiri

Yesterday my fans boikot me..T__T, that day was moody,moodless,tireding and bored.
Attended kasturi tuition,first ,second,third and finally forth period has end. No direction,just useless.

Today, mum ask me to go for a "FREE TUITION"! Okay, since it was free I would give it a try XP.My mum fetch both of us (cousin)with her motorcycle "leg".Reached there, though of registration.But a guy, an indian guy welcoming us to joined them.There is a few of people, I could recognized some of them because they was same school as my primary time.Well we sat on the empty places. Start catching what teacher had told. We were wondering why he dont give us the book, we dont want to interrup the class.
They teach 4 subject which are sejarah, bahasa melayu, mathematic and english. The next session was bahasa melayu's subject. Another guy came in asked us to refered the book, and he teach Bm novel. We are not paying attention, discussing how to get out of this places! Because this so far called "teacher", dont know how to teach people.You imagined a teacher gave you some question, and he owe self have the answer sheet ,just read it out ..What do we need to do? So we just need to copy copy and also copy.One make me felt dissapointed is ,the teacher itself dont read the Bm novel( Bukit Kepong and Konserto terakhir) He asked some question, a student answered his questioned which was the answer in his answer sheet,so the "teacher" said , this is not in the answer sheet,then he gave us the answer which is in the answer sheet!.Come on la,what kind of teacher is this. So my cousin and I was think how to get out of here!LOL
Finally get out of that place.!Walked back home,with lonely feels even though I was not alone.Take Twilight,sat on sofa and read.So far, I had read for 3 chapter and going to read the 4 chapter. Honestly, this book is really hard to understand ( my english is weak) So I usually skip some page,because it was deep..XP.. Also hope can improved my weakness..
While I was writing half way of my blog, dad brought DURIAN!! back from dont know where..LOL just eat only,dont care liao!!makan..LOL..
It was nice..I put durian in my mouth, and let it stay for a few second, durian keep rolling in my mouth , it reached my troat, durian smell keep on going and going then the durian smell come out from my butt(joking nia)..wow!!(you understand??I think u havent try before de la)hehe
After the durian session, continued my blog..Dont know want to say what liao..If you want to try the taste of the durian, you can come to my house by this moment, because if you late one step, the durian already go inside my stomach ready for digest..XP



This is all picture Stephy gave me..Haih,the Stephy makes me felt dissapointed la.She said want to write on her blog about me de..haih..She mungkir janji T___T..XP

Hi!,Sry for my fans(today add one more fans which is stephy)..Just because I dint update my blog as I had promised a few days before.Today is quite bored and lonely,I dont knew why just feel like no ones taking care of me and I was the only one ..ZzZz..After recess period, Pn Rajeshwari dint come!Reading"Charmed" untill half way,then fall asleep..XP The stupid Hammirullah gang was annoyed! They keep on making noise make me could'nt sleep well!!..After sleeping for 2 period time. Ms Foo came in asked us to do homework..Attended Pn Lain's class, need to do chinese essay!After schools, went meeting at old yuk chai school.(that was my mum's primary school).The lazy jason ffk again!(said watching movie,but actually not)nevermind la,since you dont like to come out,I cannot force you..but overall was fun..And I dint knew Lai qin wei ( dont know whether spell it correctly or not XP) was so funny..LOL "fei" like me..hehe

We go mamak to "yum cha"!!with sarah,stephy,kelley and jia jun!..I've ordered teh tarikkkkk and roti bawang ..

We 4 chatting,gossiping,joking and so on..

So finally came home.Ate delicious mum cooked nasi lemak!!!!!so nice..Sarah u should come my house and try..haha



Hi, today's is a lazy day..When we having Biology, I seriously paying attention on the slide that jia jun's make.That time,before the slide,i inserted my penmdrive into teacher's computer. Mana tau my pendrive got VIRUS!!everyone was like blamming to me..The Loke Jia Jun keep on make a nervous,he said"aiyer,you cham le..later you have to buy a new one. While Zoe said" Hope it kena VIRUS la,then we no need to do presentation d!!she is so happy..LOL..but for me>>T____T,I dont know what to do..just keep quiet..hehe.Finally the computer can use jorr,so we continued the slide..The other period at schools nothing to do, dont know why just dont wan and no mood to do my homework eventhough there's alot of homework waiting for me to do.LOL(MATHS, BIOLOGY and BAHASA MELAYU)..Wasting time, slacking here and there and day dreaming..Our moral teacher absence to day, so got two period to lepak!~XD..After that, go back home slept slept slept slept~~~syok..Then I read sensei's book!While I was writing blogs, a man called my house phone..He said he was a dont know what called for the reasearch..Asked" what would you normally eat at outside"??"Mc D??"answered..I dont know should i just put down the phone or not.Wasting my 30minutes time..walao..so ngam cham..!!After that i continued my blog that is written half,so i have completed the another half of my blog while eating delicious mum cook!!haha..
I have to go meeting soon..!!Will update tommorow...(for my fans-jaysernsiow.blogspot.com,zoeche1993.blogspot.com and carolynn-kzy.blogspot.com)XP..



Today woke up so early.You know how early was it??7++something!!I feel like sticking on my bed, dont leave forever..My "darling" persuading me"aiya, today is Soka Day..Faster wake up la lets eat breakfast!"Okay..okay, I've promised to go..I've ate 2 slice of ROTI CANNAI! Then, I chanted and done my daimoku to praise for the success of the meeting.After that,I've reached Region Kaikan. There's less people,but why??It is because I reached there by the time 9.30 AM..So chanted for 1 hours before the meet has started.Today's Soka Day meet was great!especially the video session.Sensei is so "young"!haha, and I like the Sensei song"Sensei Forever"..After Soka Day, I changed my shirt ,went cheras for cleaning!Ate at BK canteen,started cleaning.I had a great time cleaning ,washing, wiping windows.
Then went back home straight away lies on the bed slept for 3hours!!syok!..Seems like Im syoking sendiri..XP!

Yeah,watching "I wanna be a model"..Need to get ready for tommorow school.



Im not here to complaints, insult or anything..
Okay, I knew is not my responsibilities to call my member in last minute.
Should'nt I makes Suet Yee to keep on chasing me for list, and attendance.
But do you know my feeling??Is not I dont want to call them, the problems is I could'nt contact them.Keep on calling and calling, Suet Yee keep on chasing.What should I do??Should I tell her, he or she cannot go??Then what should I answer??I cannot do anything, you keep on chasing me also no use right??For you what would you do??

About the home visiting..
Before that, it was Suet Yee's idea to home visit wai lok. Well it is good to knew more about our member, but suddenly Suet Yee said she got something to do so she cannot come along with us.Then she asked me to tell you, so that we could knew our member well..When I tell you, you was like "no bother" eventhough you din't show you face to me,but your speech already tells me..Sorry!

Then when i received your message, you said " I will try my best"..
Okay, i hope you will.
At the end you called me. You said I did not asking the reason you not coming for the home visiting??That time wai lok's mum is talking to me and you suddenly called me ,so i was planning to ask you after the home visiting because is almost time to go back.

Actually Im not just mentioned about you..Im reminding myself to have the initiative to do everything..Yes you are right, we only can attend any activities if we have the FREE TIME to go.
But, for a long time this will become excusses. I dont know, maybe this is my point of view.By right you have your things to do.Hope you dont behave you bad attitude in front of me, caused yesterday you really make me feel sad, you should'nt talk like that right?? Last really thanks for telling me all these..

Yes! I will change my attitude in calling my member's ..
And doing my best in attend any meeting..

And for my competition on 30 ogos 2009 will be sucessfull


No reason

Yeah,finally can online liao!!!~..The stupid internet and computer make me cannot online for 1 weeks!!!That's why i did not update my blog..

I want to ask,what purpose we do home visiting, recycle, go meeting...??WHY??
Alot of us when we heard got meeting, got recycle, we will find reason like " no time, no people teman me, no transport, have dinner.."

Why always give yourself excusses??

Why you just cannot take initiative to attend it??

Think about it...


1 day TRIP!!

Yesterday jason asked me whether i want to follow him going back to hometown."you wan to follow me back hometown?My parents inviting u go"asked jason.Since his parents inviting me, i cannot reject right?So the answer is yes!
This morning,I went to recycle day.Helped to arranged and clear recycle stuff .After the recycle,i quickly go back home take bath because I need to go jason's car by 12.00pm.
Around 12.00pm we get ready and start our journey!Sat inside the car for 2hours++ long,felt kinda sleepy XD. We had reached seremban"titi gong"(not sure whether I spell it correctly or not)First go there,have meet his family(uncle,aunt,"popo","gonggong"and cousin)After that,we makan makan..His grandma's cooked so delicious,especially the "wine chicken"(is chicken+wine do not knew what is the name)that was so nice,jason you should try!After we having our lunch,we keng gai and gossip-ing!! While we gossip-ing,his grandma took 3 kampung chicken(kampung gai XP)and get ready to kill it!You know what?The 38 jason go and take the photo of the moment if the chicken is kill.I dont dare to see it,because it is so yucks!!And his mum at beside keep on saying jason"you sampat la,haven see before??you are coming from the "sakai city"(something like orang asli) That time I was laughing like mad.After the "chicken",we visited his uncle's house,we take some photo(jason and me),while waiting for his dad to take something.Well,we went his aunt house.Actually we planned to go fruit's farm to pick fruits!But too bad we have to cancel the plan because his aunt had collected all the fruit,so I dont have the chance to go..T___T.But nevermind,I enjoyed eating the fruit!It was fresh and sweet.
After eating,we went back to his grandma's house.Wait his mum,sis and dad to bath(no jason,because he lazy to bath)..SO,go back home luu!~
After reached KL,we went to eat at jason's cousin restraunt to eat dinner..We ate "fried rice,mihun soup and low shu fan"so nice and delicious!I was damn full,is because jason's fault..he indirectly forcing me to ate so much..if you want to know how he force me,then you need to ask him!XP..Then we go back,and i reached home!!!!~This is our journey..and thanks to jason's parents for making my sunday more meaningful..



接着就拿着我的“喜”在jason,zoe 的陪伴下去打ping pong room打什么??(当然是大兵乓拉还要讲)
跟jason,zoe 打兵乓打得很爽!!不知为什么跟他们打比较开心。。(可能是我一直赢XD)